The Emilia pots signature style is their rope edge. These tall, elegant and slender pots have classical Roman styiling. Since the 1800s this style has been produced in the city of Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region of Tuscany. This Bergs design has been inspired by the region and is even made in Tuscany today using the time-honoured techniques.
Bergs Potter raw, natural plant pots are designed in Denmark and are hand crafted from the best Italian premium quality clay at a small family owned workshop in Tuscany. The clay is fired at very high temperatures which give the pots a natural strength and have a special treatment that makes them waterproof – this means that these pots are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The high density of the clay used makes the pots frost resistant and allows air to get to the roots, thus giving the plants the optimum growth conditions. All pots are supplied with a coordinating saucer in rose or grey.